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mp3seznam.cz - Žádný ze zde umístěných souborů se nenachází na tomto serveru. Proto nezodpovídáme za jejich kvalitu ani za porušování autorských práv - tuto zodpovědnost nese server na který odkazujeme.
 1. MU News Bureau  12.16.05 Traffic Detection  Spotlight on Science 
 2. Guofei Gu, Georgia Institute of Technology; Roberto Perdisci, Damballa, Inc.; Junjie Zhang and Wenke Lee, Georgia Institute of Technology  BotMiner: Clustering Analysis of Network Traffic for Protocol- and Structure-Independent Botnet Detection  17th USENIX Security Symposium Refereed Papers 
 3. Wayne Sharer  The Great Traffic Experiment - Recap of How to Use Twitter to Increase Targeted Website Traffic   
 4. Wayne Sharer  Traffic Experiment - The Birth of Your Targeted Website Traffic Blog  The Great Traffic Experiment 
 5. George  Traffic Analysis of Encrypted Web Traffic   
 6. George  Traffic Analysis of Encrypted Web Traffic   
 7. Bjorn Lynne FX  City Traffic - NYC, Chinatown, corner of Canal Street and Lafayette. Street vendors, people talking and walking by, heavy traffic from cars and trucks driving through intersection.  Sounddogs.com 
 8. Edited by Douglas G. Greene  Detection by Gaslight   
 9. Atomine Elektrine  Plasmoid Detection  Nebulous 
 10. MU News Bureau  03.03.06 Cell Detection  Spotlight on Science 
 11. SearchSecurity.com and Addison Wesley  Extrusion Detection: Defensible Network Architecture   
 12. KyoungSoo Park, Vivek S. Pai  Securing Web Service by Automatic Robot Detection  USENIX '06 Annual Technical Conferecne 
 13. Leo Laporte with Bill Handel  TLR 12: Leo on KFI with Bill Handel - Lexus Face Detection  TLR May 2007 
 14. Charles Lee and Frank Ling  Tsunami Detection -- Berkeley Groks 2006-09-27  Berkeley Groks Science Radio Show 
 15. Computerworld/Ian Lamont  Computerworld TechCast: Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems   
 16. Alex Aiken  Static Detection of Security Vulnerabilities in Scripting Languages  USENIX Security Symposium 2006 
 17. Alex Aiken  Static Detection of Security Vulnerabilities in Scripting Languages - Q&A  USENIX Security Symposium 2006 
 18. Amy Shojai  Pet Peeves Episode 49 The Big Bang Theory? ATF Explosives Detection Dogs  PetLifeRadio.com - Let's Talk Pets on Pet Life Radio 
 19. Damiano Bolzoni  ATLANTIDES: An Architecture for Alert Verification in Network Intrusion Detection Sytems  21st Large Installation System Administration Conference Refereed Papers 
 20. Yale Cancer Center  Healthline September 24 - Detection and Treatment of Early Stage Prostate Cancer  Healthline Cancer Info 
 21. Guanhua Yan, Los Alamos National Laboratory; Zhen Xiao, Peking University; Stephan Eidenbenz, Los Alamos National Laboratory  Catching Instant Messaging Worms with Change-Point Detection Techniques  First USENIX Workshop on Large-Scale Exploits and Emergent Threats 
 22. Guanhua Yan, Los Alamos National Laboratory; Zhen Xiao, Peking University; Stephan Eidenbenz, Los Alamos National Laboratory  Catching Instant Messaging Worms with Change-Point Detection Techniques  First USENIX Workshop on Large-Scale Exploits and Emergent Threats 
 23. Damiano Bolzoni  ATLANTIDES: An Architecture for Alert Verification in Network Intrusion Detection Sytems  21st Large Installation System Administration Conference Refereed Papers 
 24. David Brumley  Towards Automatic Discovery of Deviations in Binary Implementations with Applications to Error Detection and Fingerprint GenerationTRCK  16th USENIX Security Symposium 
 25. David Brumley  Towards Automatic Discovery of Deviations in Binary Implementations with Applications to Error Detection and Fingerprint GenerationTRCK  16th USENIX Security Symposium 
 26. David Brumley  Towards Automatic Discovery of Deviations in Binary Implementations with Applications to Error Detection and Fingerprint GenerationTRCK  16th USENIX Security Symposium 
 27. Tumblon.com - Helen Hayden-Wade, Ph.D.  Helen Hayden-Wade, Ph.D., discussing the importance of early detection of potential problems in children  Tumblon.com 
 28. This Frozen Star  Following The Traffic  This Frozen Star 
 29. ColorStar  Air Traffic  Komfort  
 30. Tiesto  Traffic  Trance Arena Vol 4   
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